Before start dozing off.
Just, when a guy,
complain about friend zone,
so called barrier to relationship,
further relationship.
Do they ever think,
why the girl have a friend zone in her life?
Don't they realize,
the guy also,
have this so called friend zone.
Friend zone, the time when flirt is harmless.
a person can really touch a heart, when the person in the comfort zone of the other one.
Friend zone,
no hard feeling,
no heart feeling.
So, don't blame the girl or guy,
for creating this safety limit,
because, if you are really serious,
just, tell the person.
I won't take others heart for granted,
unless it was intended since from the first met,
stamped on forehead, playboy,
and worth for an auction...
Sorry. :)
Randomization. break the habit.
susah nak paham ayat cikya ni..
english pulak tu...memang fail sket...kena ada friend zone ni...
hehe.. mantop... nice..
p/s: cikya..apa yg mltahnye?
p/s: cikya..apa yg mltahnye?
sudah sudah lah cikya.
tak payah nak gedik.
dok pakai bahse omputih.
aku tak faham.
sepatah haram.
kah kah kah
die lah 'kawan' die juga 'teman hidup'
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